AP English Literature & Composition

Review Questions & Guided Practice Video

Your AP English Literature & Composition exam review prep starts now!

This quick review (under 25 minutes) covers the question types you’re likely to see on your upcoming exam. Think of it as a handy tool to spot areas where you can improve, sharpen your skills, and feel more confident as you gear up for test day!

Ready to begin? Grab some scratch paper and a pencil, and follow the 3 steps below:

Complete the review questions:

Hit ‘Start’ to launch the review (or print them out here if you prefer the pencil-and-paper method).

See how you scored:

Use the answer key to see which questions you nailed and which ones might need a little extra attention.

Complete the review questions:

Let our expert AP tutor, Erin Wolf, lead you through each question with clear explanations, boosting your confidence as you approach test day.

Meet Your Expert AP Tutor: Erin Wolf

Erin holds bachelor's degrees in Spanish Language & Literature and Spanish for Business and has been a dedicated tutor with Revolution Prep for the past four years. Her deep understanding of language and literature, coupled with a growth mindset approach, allows her to foster a love for analysis and critical thinking in her students. Her enthusiasm for seeing students achieve their goals, combined with her easy-going personality, makes her a favorite among those looking to excel in AP Literature.

Ready for your next steps? Work with an expert tutor.

We have a variety of options available to support you on your AP exam prep journey- check them out below:

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